Brand: BorgWarner
Model: S4T4CS
Need a rebuild or a replacement center for your s400? Look no further. We now offer center sections with the option of empty, with a complete rebuild kit, and an option for a professional assembly for a wide variety of compressor wheel sizes! Why would..
Brand: BorgWarner
Model: S4T6CS
Need a rebuild or a replacement center for your s400? Look no further. We now offer center sections with the option of empty, with a complete rebuild kit, and an option for a professional assembly for a wide variety of compressor wheel sizes! Why would..
Brand: BorgWarner
Model: SD5B362.65.T3
Bolt on upgrade turbo for 2nd Gen Cummins 5.9 T-3 mounting flangeIncludes oil drain gasketIncludes T-3 turbo to manifold gasket 5Blade billet compressor wheel.80 A/R gated exhaust housing Includes Stainless Diesel billet 'spring gate' wastegate actuator Downpipe exhau..
Brand: BorgWarner
Model: 83TWS4
This is a replacement BorgWarner 83mm turbine wheel for an s400...
Brand: BorgWarner
Model: 87x82TWS4
This is an 87x82mm s400 turbine wheel. This is NOT a replacement for a standard Borgwarner turbine wheel since those are an 87x80mm turbine. Please find our matching exhaust housing to go along with this turbine and enjoy more efficiency and performance over the standard 87x80 turbine wheel...
Brand: BorgWarner
Model: EXH-S4T487x82
T-4 S400 Exhaust housing 87 x 82mm exhaust wheel 4 5/8" exhaust outlet flangeVolute, twin flow - Twin scroll turbine housingT-4 Inlet..
Brand: BorgWarner
Model: CTS465.T4-2.5
This is a 'Box' style turbo that will plug to work in the 2.5 pulling class.
This works well for the beginner with other competition level chargers available!
(Borg Warner cast wheel, box unit turbo)
2.55 plug rule with .150 MAP S465 83mm Exhaust Wheel T-4Option of 1.00, 1...
Brand: BorgWarner
Model: CTS465.T4.83
S465 83mm Exhaust Wheel T-4 Option of .90, 1.00, 1.10 A/R exhaust housings Cast Wheel5.00" InletV-Band Outlet cover4.62 Exhaust Flange size-6 JIC or AN is the Recommended oil feed line size (Commonly known as S465,S463.5,S464) ANY 465 with a .90 exhaust housing is subject to over-speed and t..
Brand: BorgWarner
Model: EXH-S4T496
T-4 S400 Exhaust housing
For 96mm exhaust wheel
4 5/8" exhaust outlet..
Brand: BorgWarner
Model: CTS362.65.14-5.9
Bolt on upgrade turbo for 2nd Gen Cummins 5.9 T-3 mounting flangeIncludes oil drain gasketIncludes T-3 turbo to manifold gasket Billet 6 blade compressor wheel.80 A/R gated exhaust housing Includes Stainless Diesel billet 'spring gate' wastegate actuator Downpipe exha..
Brand: BorgWarner
Model: CTS467.7FMW
S400SX3-67.7, S467 FMW (Forged Milled Wheel), with a Twin Scroll Turbine Housing Rated at 500 to 950+HP straight from BW. But on a diesel application, we would rate this 750-800 max at the tires. The higher hp capability is with a T-4 1.10 A/R exhaust housing. High-flow S400 mo..
Brand: BorgWarner
Model: EXH-177208
T-4 .91 divided S300 Exhaust housing
Fits S300 SXE 74mm x 80mm turbine wheel
S300 Marmon Exhaust FlangeT-4 InletVolute, twin flow - Twin scroll turbine housing.91 A/R - #177208..